Introduction to FEMA P-2006: Example application guide for ASCE/SEI 41-13 Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Buildings with Additional Commentary for ASCE/SEI 41-17, 9:00am-1:00pm (Tuesday, March 5)
Cost: $30 (this workshop will include a coffee break, but lunch is NOT provided)Presenters: Bret Lizundia and Ron LaPlante
Since its original publication in 2006, ASCE/SEI 41, Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Buildings, has become the consensus U.S. national standard for seismic evaluation and retrofitting and is increasingly used by engineers working in other countries. However, the methods in ASCE/SEI 41 are different in many ways from those used in the design of new buildings and can be challenging for those unfamiliar with its procedures. To assist users of the standard, the Applied Technology Council, with funding provided by the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency, published an example application guide for ASCE/SEI 41, referred to as the FEMA P-2006 document. FEMA P-2006 provides helpful guidance on the interpretation and the use of ASCE/SEI 41-13 through a set of step-by-step illustrated design examples that cover key selected topics. Drawing from FEMA P-2006 material, this seminar will provide an overview of ASCE/SEI 41, including a discussion of its foundational principles, performance objectives, analysis procedures, and acceptance criteria. Following the overview, the seminar will present example applications for tilt-up concrete and concrete shear wall buildings. The target audience for this seminar is both practicing engineers and building officials who have limited or no experience with ASCE/SEI 41 and those engineers and building officials who have used it in the past but have specific questions. -
LFE Earthquake Reconnaissance Workshop 2:00-5:00PM (Tuesday, March 5)
Cost: $30 (this workshop will include a coffee break, but lunch is NOT provided)
This workshop will provide an overview of EERI’s Learning From Earthquakes Program and training for EERI’s field data collection tools. The workshop will include a field exercise that will give participants the opportunity to practice making reconnaissance observations using the demonstrated tools and visualizing them on an EERI virtual earthquake clearinghouse website. EERI members who complete this training will be well-positioned to contribute effectively to reconnaissance efforts following a future earthquake in their area.